bool JtbotFocDriver::ReadFormSerial() // 读串口 { if (Robot_Serial.available()) { rxdata = Robot_Serial.read(Robot_Serial.available()); if (rxdata.size() == sizeof(JtbotFeedback)) { memcpy(&Feedback, rxdata.c_str(), sizeof(JtbotFeedback)); uint16_t checksum = (uint16_t)(Feedback.start ^ Feedback.rpmR ^ Feedback.rpmL ^ Feedback.batVoltage ^ Feedback.boardTemp ^ Feedback.curL_DC ^ Feedback.curR_DC); if ((Feedback.start == START_FRAME) && (checksum == Feedback.checksum)) return true; else return false; } else { RCLCPP_INFO(this->get_logger(), "速控板读取数据失败22222"); return false; } } else { RCLCPP_INFO(this->get_logger(), "速控板读取数据失败11111"); return false; } }
我加的: RCLCPP_INFO(this->get_logger(), "速控板读取数据失败11111"); 这段代码只要开机就一直刷屏。
RCLCPP_INFO(this->get_logger(), "速控板读取数据失败22222"); 这段代码加的位置不管速控板是否开机根本就不提示,说明加的位置不对。
串口初始化的位置我也加了提示,只是没有插usb口有错误提示,如果usb口插好了速控板开不开电源都提示初始化成功。/**打开串口设备**/ try { Robot_Serial.setPort(port_name_); Robot_Serial.setBaudrate(baud_rate_); serial::Timeout to = serial::Timeout::simpleTimeout(2000); Robot_Serial.setTimeout(to); Robot_Serial.open(); } catch (serial::IOException &e) { RCLCPP_INFO(this->get_logger(), "foc速控板打开失败,请检查串口是否连接"); } if (Robot_Serial.isOpen()) { RCLCPP_INFO(this->get_logger(), "速控板串口打开成功"); } else { } }
速控板完整代码#include "jtbot_foc_driver/jtbot_foc_driver.h" using namespace std::chrono_literals; JtbotFocDriver::JtbotFocDriver() : Node("jtbot_foc_driver"), odom_theta_(0), x_pos_(0), y_pos_(0) // 构造函数,初始化成员变量 { wheel_diameter_ = WHEEL_DIAMETER; // 轮子直径 wheel_circumference_ = PI * wheel_diameter_; // 轮子周长 max_rpm_ = MAX_RPM; // 轮子最大转速 wheels_x_distance_ = FR_WHEELS_DISTANCE; // 2轮差速 前后轮子距离 0 wheels_y_distance_ = LR_WHEELS_DISTANCE; // 左右轮子距离 now_ = now(); declare_parameter("port_name", std::string("/dev/ttyTHS1")); // 根据实际端口修改 get_parameter("port_name", port_name_); declare_parameter("baud_rate", 115200); get_parameter("baud_rate", baud_rate_); // 发布电池电量 battery_pub_ = this->create_publisher<std_msgs::msg::Float32>("battery", 10); // 定时10毫秒发布电池和速度 odom 和 tf2 topic_timer_ = this->create_wall_timer(10ms, std::bind(&JtbotFocDriver::RosNodeTopicCallback, this)); // 接收速度话题 回调函数发布控制命令 velocity_sub_ = this->create_subscription<geometry_msgs::msg::Twist>("cmd_vel", 10, std::bind(&JtbotFocDriver::cmd_vel_callback, this, std::placeholders::_1)); // odom_publisher_ = this->create_publisher<nav_msgs::msg::Odometry>("odom_diff", 20); //创建odom发布者 odom_publisher_ = this->create_publisher<nav_msgs::msg::Odometry>("odom", 20); // 创建odom发布者 odom_transform_broadcaster_ = std::make_shared<tf2_ros::TransformBroadcaster>(this); // 创建tf2发布者 last_odom_time_ = now(); odom_.header.frame_id = "odom"; // odom_.child_frame_id = "base_footprint"; odom_.child_frame_id = "base_link"; odom_transform_.header.frame_id = "odom"; // odom_transform_.child_frame_id = "base_footprint"; odom_transform_.child_frame_id = "base_link"; /**打开串口设备**/ try { Robot_Serial.setPort(port_name_); Robot_Serial.setBaudrate(baud_rate_); serial::Timeout to = serial::Timeout::simpleTimeout(2000); Robot_Serial.setTimeout(to); Robot_Serial.open(); } catch (serial::IOException &e) { RCLCPP_INFO(this->get_logger(), "foc速控板打开失败,请检查串口是否连接"); } if (Robot_Serial.isOpen()) { RCLCPP_INFO(this->get_logger(), "速控板串口打开成功"); } else { } } JtbotFocDriver::~JtbotFocDriver() { Robot_Serial.close(); } void JtbotFocDriver::RosNodeTopicCallback() // ros节点话题回调 { if (true == ReadFormSerial()) { publisherBattery(); // 发布电压 低于33伏发布充电警告 PublisherOdom(); // 发布odom } } bool JtbotFocDriver::ReadFormSerial() // 读串口 { if (Robot_Serial.available()) { rxdata = Robot_Serial.read(Robot_Serial.available()); if (rxdata.size() == sizeof(JtbotFeedback)) { memcpy(&Feedback, rxdata.c_str(), sizeof(JtbotFeedback)); // printf("Feedbac左轮转速 %hd 右轮转速 %hd 电压 %lf 主板温度 %lf\n",Feedback.rpmL,Feedback.rpmR,double(Feedback.batVoltage)/100,double(Feedback.boardTemp)/10); uint16_t checksum = (uint16_t)(Feedback.start ^ Feedback.rpmR ^ Feedback.rpmL ^ Feedback.batVoltage ^ Feedback.boardTemp ^ Feedback.curL_DC ^ Feedback.curR_DC); if ((Feedback.start == START_FRAME) && (checksum == Feedback.checksum)) return true; else return false; } else { RCLCPP_INFO(this->get_logger(), "速控板读取数据失败22222"); return false; } } else { RCLCPP_INFO(this->get_logger(), "速控板读取数据失败11111"); return false; } } /*cmd_vel Subscriber的回调函数*/ void JtbotFocDriver::cmd_vel_callback(const geometry_msgs::msg::Twist::SharedPtr twist_msg) { SetVelocity(twist_msg->linear.x, twist_msg->linear.y, twist_msg->angular.z); } /*底盘速度发送函数*/ void JtbotFocDriver::SetVelocity(double x, double y, double angular_z) { calculateRPM(x, y, angular_z); // 把速度映射为foc波形 int16_t mSpeedL = map(req_rpm.motor1, -max_rpm_, max_rpm_, -FOC_MAX_PWM, FOC_MAX_PWM); int16_t mSpeedR = map(req_rpm.motor2, -max_rpm_, max_rpm_, -FOC_MAX_PWM, FOC_MAX_PWM); // 根据收到的cmd_vel计算左右轮的速度,装填数据,写人串口 Command.start = (uint16_t)START_FRAME; Command.mSpeedR = (uint16_t)mSpeedR; Command.mSpeedL = (uint16_t)mSpeedL; Command.checksum = (uint16_t)(Command.start ^ Command.mSpeedR ^ Command.mSpeedL); if (Robot_Serial.write((uint8_t *)&Command, sizeof(Command)) <= 0) { RCLCPP_INFO(this->get_logger(), "速控板写入速度控制数据失败,请检查"); } } void JtbotFocDriver::publisherBattery() // 发布显示电压 { if ((now() - now_).seconds() > 1 / BATTERY_RATE) { raw_battery_msg.data = (float)Feedback.batVoltage / 100; if (raw_battery_msg.data < 35) { RCLCPP_WARN(this->get_logger(), "当前电压: %f ,电压偏低,请充电!!", raw_battery_msg.data); battery_pub_->publish(raw_battery_msg); now_ = now(); } } } void JtbotFocDriver::PublisherOdom() // 发布odom { getVelocities(Feedback.rpmL, Feedback.rpmR); // 获取速度,数据填充到vel结构体 rclcpp::Time current_time = now(); odom_.header.stamp = current_time; // x线速度 auto linear_velocity_x_ = vel.linear_x; // y线速度 auto linear_velocity_y_ = vel.linear_y; // 角速度 auto angular_velocity_z_ = vel.angular_z; rclcpp::Duration vel_dt_ = current_time - last_odom_time_; last_odom_time_ = current_time; double delta_heading = angular_velocity_z_ * vel_dt_.nanoseconds() / 1e9; // radians double delta_x = (linear_velocity_x_ * cos(odom_theta_)) * vel_dt_.nanoseconds() / 1e9; // m double delta_y = (linear_velocity_x_ * sin(odom_theta_)) * vel_dt_.nanoseconds() / 1e9; // m x_pos_ += delta_x; y_pos_ += delta_y; odom_theta_ += delta_heading; tf2::Quaternion odom_q; // 声明四元数 odom_q.setRPY(0, 0, odom_theta_); // 欧拉角换算四元数 // 相对于父坐标系位置 odom_.pose.pose.position.x = x_pos_; odom_.pose.pose.position.y = y_pos_; odom_.pose.pose.position.z = 0.0; // 相对于父坐标系姿态四元数 odom_.pose.pose.orientation.x = odom_q.x(); odom_.pose.pose.orientation.y = odom_q.y(); odom_.pose.pose.orientation.z = odom_q.z(); odom_.pose.pose.orientation.w = odom_q.w(); // 姿态协方差 // odom_.pose.covariance[0] = 0.001; // odom_.pose.covariance[7] = 0.001; // odom_.pose.covariance[35] = 0.001; // 相对于子坐标系线速度和角速度 odom_.twist.twist.linear.x = linear_velocity_x_; odom_.twist.twist.linear.y = linear_velocity_y_; odom_.twist.twist.angular.z = angular_velocity_z_; // 协方差分为静止和运动: // pose: // if(linear_velocity_x_==0){ // //pose静止: // odom_.pose.covariance[0] = 1e-9; // odom_.pose.covariance[7] = 1e-3; // odom_.pose.covariance[8] = 1e-9; // odom_.pose.covariance[14] = 1e6; // odom_.pose.covariance[21] = 1e6; // odom_.pose.covariance[28] = 1e6; // odom_.pose.covariance[35] = 1e-9; // //twist静止: // odom_.twist.covariance[0] = 1e-9; // odom_.twist.covariance[7] = 1e-3; // odom_.twist.covariance[8] = 1e-9; // odom_.twist.covariance[14] = 1e6; // odom_.twist.covariance[21] = 1e6; // odom_.twist.covariance[28] = 1e6; // odom_.twist.covariance[35] = 1e-9; // } // else{ // //pose运动: // odom_.pose.covariance[0] = 1e-3; // odom_.pose.covariance[7] = 1e-3; // odom_.pose.covariance[8] = 0.0; // odom_.pose.covariance[14] = 1e6; // odom_.pose.covariance[21] = 1e6; // odom_.pose.covariance[28] = 1e6; // odom_.pose.covariance[35] = 1e3; // //twist运动: // odom_.twist.covariance[0] = 1e-3; // odom_.twist.covariance[7] = 1e-3; // odom_.twist.covariance[8] = 0.0; // odom_.twist.covariance[14] = 1e6; // odom_.twist.covariance[21] = 1e6; // odom_.twist.covariance[28] = 1e6; // odom_.twist.covariance[35] = 1e3; // } odom_.header.stamp = now(); odom_publisher_->publish(odom_); // printf("odom_.pose x y z %f %f %f \n",x_pos_,y_pos_,odom_theta_); // printf("odom_.twist x y z %f %f %f \n",linear_velocity_x_,linear_velocity_y_,angular_velocity_z_); odom_transform_.header.stamp = last_odom_time_; odom_transform_.transform.translation.x = x_pos_; odom_transform_.transform.translation.y = y_pos_; odom_transform_.transform.rotation.x = odom_q.x(); odom_transform_.transform.rotation.y = odom_q.y(); odom_transform_.transform.rotation.z = odom_q.z(); odom_transform_.transform.rotation.w = odom_q.w(); // odom_transform_broadcaster_->sendTransform(odom_transform_); //开odom imu融合需要关闭/tf话题 // printf("now last_odom_time_%ld %ld %ld\n",now(),current_time,last_odom_time_); } // 计算转速 void JtbotFocDriver::calculateRPM(float linear_x, float linear_y, float angular_z) { float linear_vel_x_mins; float linear_vel_y_mins; float angular_vel_z_mins; float tangential_vel; float x_rpm; float y_rpm; float tan_rpm; // 转换米/秒 至 米/分 linear_vel_x_mins = linear_x * 60; linear_vel_y_mins = linear_y * 60; // 转换 rad/秒 to rad/分 angular_vel_z_mins = angular_z * 60; tangential_vel = angular_vel_z_mins * ((wheels_x_distance_ / 2) + (wheels_y_distance_ / 2)); x_rpm = linear_vel_x_mins / wheel_circumference_; y_rpm = linear_vel_y_mins / wheel_circumference_; tan_rpm = tangential_vel / wheel_circumference_; req_rpm.motor1 = int16_t(x_rpm - y_rpm - tan_rpm); req_rpm.motor1 = constrain(req_rpm.motor1, -max_rpm_, max_rpm_); // front-right motor req_rpm.motor2 = -int16_t(x_rpm + y_rpm + tan_rpm); req_rpm.motor2 = constrain(req_rpm.motor2, -max_rpm_, max_rpm_); } void JtbotFocDriver::getVelocities(int rpm1, int rpm2) // 获取速度,数据填充到vel结构体 { float average_rps_x; // float average_rps_y; float average_rps_a; // 将平均每分钟转数转换为每秒转数,小车向前走左轮为正,右轮为负 average_rps_x = ((float)(rpm1 - rpm2) / 2) / 60; // RPM vel.linear_x = average_rps_x * wheel_circumference_; // m/s // 将y轴上的平均每分钟转数转换为每秒转数 // average_rps_y = ((float)(-rpm1 + rpm2) / 2) / 60; // RPM vel.linear_y = 0; // 将平均每分钟转数转换为每秒转数 average_rps_a = ((float)(rpm1 + rpm2) / 2) / 60; vel.angular_z = -(average_rps_a * wheel_circumference_) / ((wheels_x_distance_ / 2) + (wheels_y_distance_ / 2)); // rad/s } // 速度映射到foc波形 int16_t JtbotFocDriver::map(int16_t x, int16_t in_min, int16_t in_max, int16_t out_min, int16_t out_max) { return (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { rclcpp::init(argc, argv); auto driver = std::make_shared<JtbotFocDriver>(); rclcpp::spin(driver); rclcpp::shutdown(); return 0; }