VMware Ubuntu18.04一键安装Ros1失败
Run CMD Task:[sudo aptitude install ros-melodic-desktop -y]
sudo: aptitude:找不到命令
完整代码:--2022-05-15 23:31:40-- http://fishros.com/install/install1s/tools/tool_config_system_source.py 正在解析主机 fishros.com (fishros.com)... 正在连接 fishros.com (fishros.com)||:80... 已连接。 已发出 HTTP 请求,正在等待回应... 200 OK 长度: 9161 (8.9K) [application/octet-stream] 正在保存至: “/tmp/fishinstall/tools/tool_config_system_source.py” /tmp/fishinstall/to 100%[===================>] 8.95K --.-KB/s 用时 0s 2022-05-15 23:31:40 (238 MB/s) - 已保存 “/tmp/fishinstall/tools/tool_config_system_source.py” [9161/9161]) 欢迎使用一键安装ROS和ROS2,支持树莓派Jetson,本工具由作者小鱼提供 欢迎使用ROS开箱子工具,本工具由[鱼香ROS]小鱼贡献.. 小鱼:检测当前系统ubuntu18.04:bionic 支持一键安装ROS =========接下来这一步很重要,如果不知道怎么选请选择1======== RUN Choose Task:[请输入括号内的数字] 首次安装一定要换源并清理三方源,换源!!!系统默认国外源容易失败!! [1]:更换系统源再继续安装 [2]:不更换继续安装 [0]:quit 请输入[]内的数字以选择:1 欢迎使用一键更换系统源,本工具由作者小鱼提供 欢迎使用一键换源工具,本工具由[鱼香ROS]小鱼贡献.. RUN Choose Task:[请输入括号内的数字] 请选择换源方式,如果不知道选什么请选2 [1]:仅更换系统源 [2]:更换系统源并清理第三方源 [0]:quit 请输入[]内的数字以选择:2 Run CMD Task:[sudo rm -rf /etc/apt/sources.list] [-]Result:success 删除一个资源文件 Run CMD Task:[sudo rm -rf /etc/apt/sources.list.d] [-]Result:success Run CMD Task:[dpkg --print-architecture] [-]Result:success 检测到当前系统架构为[amd64],正在为你更换对应源.. 替换完成,尝试第一次更新.... Run CMD Task:[sudo apt update] [-]Result:success --upgradable’ 来查看它们。 搞定了,不信你看,累死宝宝了,还不快去给小鱼点个赞~ ['命中:1 https://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/ubuntu bionic InRelease', '命中:2 https://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/ubuntu bionic-updates InRelease', '命中:3 https://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/ubuntu bionic-backports InRelease', '命中:4 https://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/ubuntu bionic-security InRelease', '正在读取软件包列表...', '正在分析软件包的依赖关系树...', '正在读取状态信息...', '有 343 个软件包可以升级。请执行 ‘apt list --upgradable’ 来查看它们。'] 镜像修复完成..... Run CMD Task:[sudo apt update] [-]Result:success --upgradable’ 来查看它们。 Run CMD Task:[sudo apt-cache search curl ] [/]libcurl3-gnutls - easy-to-use client-side URL transfer library (GnuTLS flavou[/]libcurl4-gnutls-dev - development files and documentation for libcurl (GnuTLS[\]libcurl4-nss-dev - development files and documentation for libcurl (NSS flavo[|]libcurl4-openssl-dev - development files and documentation for libcurl (OpenS[/]libstrongswan-extra-plugins - strongSwan utility and crypto library (extra pl[-]cl-curry-compose-reader-macros - Reader macros for function partial applicati[-]flickcurl-doc - utilities to call the Flickr API from command line - document[/]gnupg1 - GNU privacy guard - a PGP implementation (deprecated "classic" versi[|]golang-github-moul-http2curl-dev - Go package for convert Golang's http.Reque[|]kubuntu-wallpapers-bionic - Selection of classic KDE wallpapers for Bionic Be[-]libcupt4-2-downloadmethod-curl - flexible package manager -- libcurl download[|]libcurl-openssl1.0-dev - development files and documentation for libcurl (Ope[/]libflickcurl0-dbg - C library for accessing the Flickr API - debugging symbol[|]libghc-curl-doc - Documentation for the libcurl Haskell bindings; documentati[-]libghc-curl-prof - Profiling libraries for the libcurl Haskell bindings; prof[/]libghc-hxt-doc - collection of tools for processing XML with Haskell; documen[|]libghc-hxt-http-doc - Interface to native Haskell HTTP package HTTP; document[-]libghc-hxt-http-prof - Interface to native Haskell HTTP package HTTP; profili[/]libghc-hxt-prof - collection of tools for processing XML with Haskell; profil[\]libresource-retriever-dev - Robot OS resource_retriever library - development[|]libwsman-curl-client-transport1 - Open Web Services Manager run-time librarie[-]Result:success age - all developer toolsnt filesMPD Run CMD Task:[sudo apt install curl -y] [-]Result:code:100 Run CMD Task:[sudo apt-cache search gnupg2 ] [|]gnupg2 - GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacement (dummy transitional packa[-]Result:success Run CMD Task:[sudo apt install gnupg2 -y] [-]Result:code:100 Run CMD Task:[curl -s https://gitee.com/ohhuo/rosdistro/raw/master/ros.asc | sudo apt-key add -] [-]Result:code:2 Run CMD Task:[curl -s https://gitee.com/ohhuo/rosdistro/raw/master/ros.asc | sudo apt-key add -] [-]Result:code:2 导入密钥失败,开始更换导入方式并二次尝试... Run CMD Task:[sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys F42ED6FBAB17C654] [\]Executing: /tmp/apt-key-gpghome.KIBY3m98YZ/gpg.1.sh --keyserver keyserver.ubu[-]Result:success Run CMD Task:[dpkg --print-architecture] [-]Result:success 根据您的系统,为您推荐安装源为['http://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/ros/ubuntu/', 'http://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/ros2/ubuntu/'] Run CMD Task:[sudo mkdir -p /etc/apt/sources.list.d/] [-]Result:success Run CMD Task:[sudo apt update] [-]获取:3 http://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/ros2/ubuntu bionic InRelease [4,68[\]获取:5 http://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/ros/ubuntu bionic Release [3,798 B[/]获取:8 http://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/ros/ubuntu bionic Release.gpg [833[\]获取:9 http://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/ros2/ubuntu bionic/main amd64 Pack[|]获取:10 http://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/ros/ubuntu bionic/main amd64 Pack[-]Result:success --upgradable’ 来查看它们。 Run CMD Task:[sudo apt-cache search ros-base ] [/]ros-melodic-end-effector - End-Effector package: provides a ROS-based set of [\]ros-melodic-ros-base - A metapackage which extends ros_core and includes other basic non-robot tools like actionlib, dynamic reconfigure, nodelets, and plugi[|]ros-bouncy-ros-base - A package which extends 'ros_core' and includes other b[-]ros-crystal-ros-base - A package which extends 'ros_core' and includes other [/]ros-dashing-ros-base - A package which extends 'ros_core' and includes other [\]ros-eloquent-ros-base - A package which extends 'ros_core' and includes other[-]Result:success RUN Choose Task:[请输入括号内的数字] 请选择你要安装的ROS版本名称(请注意ROS1和ROS2区别): [1]:melodic(ROS1) [2]:bouncy(ROS2) [3]:crystal(ROS2) [4]:dashing(ROS2) [5]:eloquent(ROS2) [0]:quit 请输入[]内的数字以选择:1 RUN Choose Task:[请输入括号内的数字] 请选择安装的具体版本(如果不知道怎么选,请选1桌面版): [1]:melodic(ROS1)桌面版 [2]:melodic(ROS1)基础版(小) [0]:quit 请输入[]内的数字以选择:1 Run CMD Task:[sudo apt-cache search aptitude ] [|]aptitude-common - architecture independent files for the aptitude package man[-]aptitude-doc-en - English manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manag[/]libcwidget-dev - high-level terminal interface library for C++ (development f[|]aptitude-doc-es - Spanish manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manag[-]aptitude-doc-fi - Finnish manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manag[/]aptitude-doc-fr - French manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manage[\]aptitude-doc-it - Italian manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manag[|]aptitude-doc-ja - Japanese manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package mana[/]aptitude-doc-ru - Russian manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manag[-]apticron-systemd - Simple tool to mail about pending package updates - system[-]gbrainy - brain teaser game and trainer to have fun and to keep your brain tr[-]Result:success end for Debian Run CMD Task:[sudo apt install aptitude -y] [-]Result:code:100 Run CMD Task:[sudo apt-cache search aptitude ] [|]aptitude-common - architecture independent files for the aptitude package man[-]aptitude-doc-en - English manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manag[/]libcwidget-dev - high-level terminal interface library for C++ (development f[|]aptitude-doc-es - Spanish manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manag[-]aptitude-doc-fi - Finnish manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manag[/]aptitude-doc-fr - French manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manage[\]aptitude-doc-it - Italian manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manag[|]aptitude-doc-ja - Japanese manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package mana[/]aptitude-doc-ru - Russian manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manag[-]apticron-systemd - Simple tool to mail about pending package updates - system[-]gbrainy - brain teaser game and trainer to have fun and to keep your brain tr[-]Result:success end for Debian Run CMD Task:[sudo apt install aptitude -y] [-]Result:code:100 Run CMD Task:[sudo aptitude install ros-melodic-desktop -y] sudo: aptitude:找不到命令 Run CMD Task:[sudo aptitude install ros-melodic-desktop -y] [-]Result:code:1 Run CMD Task:[sudo apt-cache search python-catkin-tools ] [-]Result:success for working with catkin. Run CMD Task:[sudo apt install python-catkin-tools -y] [-]Result:code:100 Run CMD Task:[sudo apt-cache search python-rosdep ] [\]python-rosdep2 - rosdep package manager abstraction tool for Robot OS (Python[-]Result:success nager abstraction tool for ROS Run CMD Task:[sudo apt install python-rosdep -y] [-]Result:code:100 Run CMD Task:[ls /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash] [-]Result:code:2 安装失败了,请打开鱼香社区:https://fishros.org.cn/forum 在一键安装专区反馈问题... Run CMD Task:[ls /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash] [-]Result:code:2
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