9.3 将启动gazebo和生产fishbot写成launch文件,无法加载出fishbot
在rqt中可以call,运行launch文件的时候说spawn_entity.py 有语句不合法,和其他帖子报错不太一样,gazebo只有空地图
mio@mio:~/FIles/ros/chapt8_ws$ colcon build Starting >>> fishbot_description --- stderr: fishbot_description /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/setuptools/command/install.py:34: SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning: setup.py install is deprecated. Use build and pip and other standards-based tools. warnings.warn( --- Finished <<< fishbot_description [0.49s] Summary: 1 package finished [0.88s] 1 package had stderr output: fishbot_description mio@mio:~/FIles/ros/chapt8_ws$ source install/setup.bash mio@mio:~/FIles/ros/chapt8_ws$ ros2 launch fishbot_description gazebo.launch.py [INFO] [launch]: All log files can be found below /home/mio/.ros/log/2023-12-13-23-39-27-927899-mio-25320 [INFO] [launch]: Default logging verbosity is set to INFO [INFO] [gazebo-1]: process started with pid [25321] [INFO] [spawn_entity.py-2]: process started with pid [25323] [spawn_entity.py-2] Traceback (most recent call last): [spawn_entity.py-2] File "/opt/ros/humble/lib/gazebo_ros/spawn_entity.py", line 26, in <module> [spawn_entity.py-2] from gazebo_msgs.msg import ModelStates [spawn_entity.py-2] File "/opt/ros/humble/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/gazebo_msgs/msg/__init__.py", line 1, in <module> [spawn_entity.py-2] from gazebo_msgs.msg._contact_state import ContactState # noqa: F401 [spawn_entity.py-2] File "/opt/ros/humble/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/gazebo_msgs/msg/_contact_state.py", line 15, in <module> [spawn_entity.py-2] import rosidl_parser.definition # noqa: E402, I100 [spawn_entity.py-2] File "/opt/ros/humble/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/rosidl_parser/definition.py", line 425 [spawn_entity.py-2] raise ValueError(f"No '{name}' annotation") [spawn_entity.py-2] ^ [spawn_entity.py-2] SyntaxError: invalid syntax [ERROR] [spawn_entity.py-2]: process has died [pid 25323, exit code 1, cmd '/opt/ros/humble/lib/gazebo_ros/spawn_entity.py -entity fishbot -file /home/mio/FIles/ros/chapt8_ws/install/fishbot_description/share/fishbot_description/urdf/fishbot_gazebo.urdf --ros-args']. [gazebo-1] Gazebo multi-robot simulator, version 11.10.2 [gazebo-1] Copyright (C) 2012 Open Source Robotics Foundation. [gazebo-1] Released under the Apache 2 License. [gazebo-1] http://gazebosim.org [gazebo-1] [gazebo-1] Gazebo multi-robot simulator, version 11.10.2 [gazebo-1] Copyright (C) 2012 Open Source Robotics Foundation. [gazebo-1] Released under the Apache 2 License. [gazebo-1] http://gazebosim.org [gazebo-1] [gazebo-1] [INFO] [1702481968.440275161] [gazebo_ros_node]: ROS was initialized without arguments. [gazebo-1] [Msg] Waiting for master. [gazebo-1] [Msg] Connected to gazebo master @ [gazebo-1] [Msg] Publicized address: [gazebo-1] [Wrn] [GuiIface.cc:120] Could not find the Qt platform plugin "wayland" in "" [gazebo-1] [Err] [InsertModelWidget.cc:403] Missing model.config for model "/home/mio/.gazebo/models/.git" [gazebo-1] [Wrn] [Event.cc:61] Warning: Deleting a connection right after creation. Make sure to save the ConnectionPtr from a Connect call [gazebo-1] [Wrn] [Publisher.cc:135] Queue limit reached for topic /gazebo/default/user_camera/pose, deleting message. This warning is printed only once. ^C[WARNING] [launch]: user interrupted with ctrl-c (SIGINT) [gazebo-1] [Wrn] [Event.cc:61] Warning: Deleting a connection right after creation. Make sure to save the ConnectionPtr from a Connect call [ERROR] [gazebo-1]: process[gazebo-1] failed to terminate '5' seconds after receiving 'SIGINT', escalating to 'SIGTERM' [INFO] [gazebo-1]: sending signal 'SIGTERM' to process[gazebo-1] [ERROR] [gazebo-1]: process has died [pid 25321, exit code -15, cmd 'gazebo --verbose -s libgazebo_ros_factory.so']. [gazebo-1] [gazebo-1]
@1361881444 今天突然就可以了,不懂为什么