import parted import pexpect import time class RootShellInteractor: def __init__(self): self.shell_process = None self.root_prompt = '#' def connect(self): # 启动一个交互式Shell进程,使用 sudo 运行命令 self.shell_process = pexpect.spawn('/bin/bash') self.shell_process.expect_exact(self.root_prompt) def execute_command(self, command,prompt='#'): print("send command",command) # 发送命令并等待输出 self.shell_process.sendline(command) if len(prompt): self.shell_process.expect_exact(prompt) # 获取命令输出 time.sleep(0.2) output = self.shell_process.before.decode('utf-8') print(f"========\ncommand:{command}\nc+result:{output.strip()}") return output def disconnect(self): # 关闭交互式Shell进程 self.shell_process.close() def update_disk_size(disk_name='/dev/sda',id=2,size='60GiB'): interactor = RootShellInteractor() try: interactor.connect() # 调用 execute_command 方法执行需要的命令 command_output = interactor.execute_command(f"parted {disk_name} resizepart {id} {size}","No?") command_output = interactor.execute_command("yes","") command_output = interactor.execute_command(f"resize2fs {disk_name}{id}","#") command_output = interactor.execute_command(f"fdisk -l","#") # print("Command Output:\n", command_output) except Exception as e: print("Error:", e) finally: interactor.disconnect() def get_root_disk(): with open('/proc/mounts', 'r') as f: mounts = f.readlines() for mount in mounts: fields = mount.strip().split() if len(fields) >= 2: mount_point = fields[1] if mount_point == '/': device_path = fields[0] return device_path return None def get_disk_info(device_path): try: disk = parted.getDevice(device_path) model = disk.model size = disk.getLength(unit='B') return model, size except Exception as e: print(f"Error getting disk info: {e}") return None, None def main(): root_disk = get_root_disk() if root_disk: print(f"The root filesystem is mounted on: {root_disk}") model, size = get_disk_info(root_disk[:-1]) # Remove the partition number disk = root_disk[:-1] disk_id = root_disk[-1] size_gib = f"{int(size/1024/1024/1024)}GiB" if model and size: print(f"Root filesystem is on disk: {model}-{root_disk}-{disk_id}") print(f"Disk size: {size_gib}") update_disk_size(disk,disk_id,size_gib) else: print("Failed to retrieve disk information.") else: print("Failed to determine the root filesystem.") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
小 小伊 在 中固定了该主题