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提问前必看的发帖注意事项—— 提问前必看!不符合要求的问题拒绝回答!!
小鱼 ROS 2 新书上线!点击链接查看, 新书配套视频点击链接查看。
提问前必看的发帖注意事项—— 提问前必看!不符合要求的问题拒绝回答!!
各位大佬好,现在有个问题,我自己用cmake写了一个cuda的静态库,用来加速处理图像,但是我用cmake编译没有问题,但是使用colcon buildi编译/usr/bin/ld就会报错:找不到静态库里的符号,请问各位大佬有思路解决吗?
参考 colcon build 的使用帮助
Arguments for 'cmake' packages: --cmake-args [* [* ...]] Pass arguments to CMake projects. Arguments matching other options must be prefixed by a space, e.g. --cmake-args " --help" (stdout might not be shown by default, e.g. add `--event-handlers console_cohesion+`) --cmake-target CMAKE_TARGET Build a specific target instead of the default target --cmake-target-skip-unavailable Skip building packages which don't have the target passed to --cmake- target --cmake-clean-cache Remove CMake cache before the build (implicitly forcing CMake configure step) --cmake-clean-first Build target 'clean' first, then build (to only clean use '--cmake-target clean') --cmake-force-configure Force CMake configure step Arguments for 'ros.ament_cmake' packages: --ament-cmake-args [* [* ...]] Pass arguments to 'ament_cmake' packages. Arguments matching other options must be prefixed by a space Arguments for 'ros.catkin' packages: --catkin-cmake-args [* [* ...]] Pass arguments to 'catkin' packages. Arguments matching other options must be prefixed by a space --catkin-skip-building-tests By default the 'tests' target of 'catkin' packages is invoked. If running 'colcon test' later isn't intended this can be skipped
$ colcon build --ament-cmake-args -DTEST_PARAM="Test" Starting >>> example_ros2_interfaces Starting >>> example_cpp --- stderr: example_cpp CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:9 (message): Test param detected! Aborting,
为cmake指定参数 -