@2593576052 尽量复制粘贴终端文字
看一下官方文档可以知道,mcap CLI指令是需要单独安装的
https://mcap.dev/getting-started/ros-2.html https://github.com/foxglove/mcap/tree/main/go/cli/mcap#installingInstalling:
Either install from releases binaries, from Homebrew, or by using go.
From release binaries
Download the executable for your platform and mark it executable (if on mac or linux). For example,
wget https://github.com/foxglove/mcap/releases/latest/download/mcap-linux-amd64 -O mcap
chmod +x mcap
If desired, move the binary onto your path.
If on windows, download and run the appropriate .exe for your architecture from the releases page.
@小鱼 在 提问前必看!一定要看!必须看一下! 中说: